Plan & Execution: Combat Demo

We're excited to share our combat demo with all of you. We've been hard at work making some significant changes to the core mechanics, all to enhance your gameplay experience and immerse you deeper into this watery realm.

We've listened to your feedback and made significant improvements to weapon handling, movement mechanics, and introduced awesome gadgets like the Psi Processor, Drone, and Toolgun. Harness the mysterious powers of the psyche with the Psi Processor, explore uncharted territories with your trusty Drone, and wield the indispensable Toolgun as you navigate the unforgiving world of Aquametsis.


(Outdated) v0. - Combat Demo 305 MB
Jun 04, 2023


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I like this type of slower, more tactical shooter! Lots of stuff to do, and I love its immersive sim aspects. The vibes are great. I love the scenery, reminded me of some indie shooters I used to play when I was a kid... The movement speed may be too slow for me.


Hello, thank you for taking the time to play the demo and your kind words! I've made couple of changes to the movement since posting this demo so hopefully it'll be better next time.